Handmade Tie-Dyed Fashions & Gifts
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Aura Tie-Dye on-line store

$15 Random Tie-Dye

$15.00 $25.00

Have you ever asked yourself:"Which t-shirt should I buy? They're all so cool, I can't decide!" Here's an easy - and economical - solution to that dilemma: the RANDOM!

 100% cotton Gildan T-shirts that have been hand dyed here at Aura Tie Dye - selected from our favorite spiral color patterns, such as Rainbow Swirl, The Blues, and Autumn Hues or something unexpected!. 

Remember, Tie Dyes are like snowflakes and no two are exactly alike - but each bundle will be similar in style and design to those pictured. 

Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aura.tie.dye
Check out our Etsy: www.etsy.com/shop/auratiedye
Email us: auratiedye@yahoo.com
Give us a call - (570)-253-3100

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